Extrordinary Bird and Dog Survive Tsunami

I'd like to start this week off with two bits of rare good news after the devastating earthquake and tsunami in the Pacific.
Wisdom, the 60 year old Laysan albatross, is remarkable by any definition.  She's outlived every other member of her species (and in fact, any other wild bird on record) and is still laying eggs and raising young.  When the post-eathquake tsunami struck Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge where Wisdom was caring for her most recent chick, the worst was feared.  Miraculously, both Wisdom and her chick survived!
Albatross Wisdom USFWS

Survival was also in the cards for an extrememly lucky dog that was washed out to sea off the coast of Japan during the tsunami.  Rescue workers searching for human victims spotted the dog on the roof of a building floating in the ocean amid other debris.  Watch this news report about the extraordinary rescue.

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