Tigers those big cats with the black stripes are just one of the many species of large cats found around the world. These beautiful animals possess not only grace and sophistication but razor sharp claws and a killer instinct to match.
Tigerdata.info is dedicated to the study and dissemination of useful articles related to the tiger. This opening article is a quick introduction to tigers, what they are and where you find them. So lets get straight into the details.
Tigers, otherwise known as Panthera Tigris are the largest and most powerful of the cat family, the orange and black striped coat isn’t just for beauty but gives the cat a formidable disguise in dense undergrowth. These cats despite their size (6-12 foot in lenght, and up to 300 kg in weight) are excellent at sneaking up and ambushing their prey. Their prey usually consists of hoofed mammals like pigs, deer, cattle and other small mammals.
Now despite such power and stealth tigers lack the speed of other cats which means their powerful legs which allow them to make leaps as far as 10m (33 feet) in length are even more essential. Combine a powerful jump with retractable claws (they won’t get worn down in day to day life) and a foreshortened jaw (gives them a crushing bite) and you have a deadly jungle predator.
In terms of living tigers live a predominantly solitary life keeping to themselves. Despite this tiger groups do exist but these are usually groups of mothers with their young. A tiger mother will usually rear 2-4 cubs in her lifetime and will usually stick with its cubs for around 2 years before letting them go alone. A tiger cub will usually reach full maturity at around 3-4 years old so despite it sounding like a long time at 2 years the young tiger still has a lot to learn. In terms of overall lifespan you can expect a tiger to reach 15 years of age, however with so much hunting and poaching these days there luck to live that long.
Tigers have a high level of social tolerance which means accidental disputes and fights are usually kept to a minimum. Despite this clear boundaries between tiger territories are usually marked just incase, but with all this information infront of us the biggest threat to tigers are still human poachers who have sent the species into a downward spiral and on the verge of extinction.
Tigerdata.info is dedicated to the study and dissemination of useful articles related to the tiger. This opening article is a quick introduction to tigers, what they are and where you find them. So lets get straight into the details.
Tigers, otherwise known as Panthera Tigris are the largest and most powerful of the cat family, the orange and black striped coat isn’t just for beauty but gives the cat a formidable disguise in dense undergrowth. These cats despite their size (6-12 foot in lenght, and up to 300 kg in weight) are excellent at sneaking up and ambushing their prey. Their prey usually consists of hoofed mammals like pigs, deer, cattle and other small mammals.
Now despite such power and stealth tigers lack the speed of other cats which means their powerful legs which allow them to make leaps as far as 10m (33 feet) in length are even more essential. Combine a powerful jump with retractable claws (they won’t get worn down in day to day life) and a foreshortened jaw (gives them a crushing bite) and you have a deadly jungle predator.
In terms of living tigers live a predominantly solitary life keeping to themselves. Despite this tiger groups do exist but these are usually groups of mothers with their young. A tiger mother will usually rear 2-4 cubs in her lifetime and will usually stick with its cubs for around 2 years before letting them go alone. A tiger cub will usually reach full maturity at around 3-4 years old so despite it sounding like a long time at 2 years the young tiger still has a lot to learn. In terms of overall lifespan you can expect a tiger to reach 15 years of age, however with so much hunting and poaching these days there luck to live that long.

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